Cancer epidemiology and prevention research is being recognized as a pivotal component for cancer control activities worldwide and an opportunity now exists to make Alberta a centre for excellence in these areas. For the past three decades, cancer epidemiologic and prevention research has been undertaken in Alberta under the auspices of the former Alberta Cancer Board and most recently within CancerControl Alberta in the Department of Population Health Research (PHR). Under the leadership of Dr Christine Friedenreich, the PHR Scientists have recently undertaken strategic planning and have recognized the need and importance for a departmental name that reflects the actual research being conducted within this department. In addition, there is a need to distinguish them from the Division of Population, Public and Aboriginal Health of AHS. We now have a clear vision to become a premier centre for cancer epidemiology and prevention research in Canada. Hence, effective May 15, 2014, our department’s name will be changed to Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Research.