Dr. Cheryl Peters, along with her colleagues Drs Marie-Élise Parent, Mieke Koehoorn and Paul Demers, is leading a research project entitled “The impact of sex and gender in occupational disease prevention” that has been funded for three years for $360,000 as a CIHR project grant. The aim of this study is to improve systems that quantify exposure to occupational hazards and disease risk in Canada by focusing on sex/gender differences. The project will include an environmental scan of the literature, key informant interviews that will be used to develop the CAREX Canada data set further and create detailed Job Exposure Matrices (JEMs) that take into consideration sex/gender issues for key hazards. These JEMs will be used to identify workers at higher risk of cancer, dermatitis and asthma by sex/gender in the Ontario and Manitoba Occupational Diseases Surveillance Systems. An extensive KT plan is included to disseminate findings to policy-makers. Cheryl would like to acknowledge her collaborators Ms. Lynda Robson, Drs. Vikki Ho, Allen Kraut, and Nathan DeBono, as well as the efforts of her CAREX Canada Senior Research Associate Ms. Ela Rydz who worked very hard on the proposal and who will be spending half her time working on this project.