Start date: September 9, 2015
End date: May 11, 2016
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Holy Cross Centre (HCC), Room 20A/B

Second Wednesday of every month – CEPR Research Forum – Based on several requests from the staff members and trainees in the department we have decided to change the format of our monthly research forum to a more didactic series of presentation from the Scientists. The sessions will be 30-50 minute talks on general and specific methods in epidemiology and biostatistics to provide a broader training and learning experience for all in the department. The schedule of presentations will be as follows:

  1. Sep 9th  - Basics of Cancer Biology – Nigel Brockton
  2. Oct 14th - Cohort studies – Christine Friedenreich
  3. Nov 18th - Case-control studies - Darren Brenner/Ilona Csizmadi
  4. Dec 9th  - Regression methods – Karen Kopciuk
  5. Jan 13th - Cancer Surveillance – Lorraine Shack
  6. Feb 10th - Survival & Prognostic studies – Nigel Brockton
  7. Mar 9th  - Genetic Epi – Darren Brenner
  8. Apr 13th - Lifestyle Measurement - Ilona Csizmadi
  9. May 11th - Molecular Epi methods – Nigel Brockton

For more information, please contact (Manager, Research and Operations, CEPR) or (Research Scientist, CEPR).