Date: July 4, 2013
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am

Population Health Research Invited Speaker Seminar Series Presents:
Darren Brenner

Darren R. Brenner PhD
International Agency for Research on Cancer/World Health Organization
Genetic Epidemiology Group

Dr. Darren Brenner is a fellow within the Genetic Epidemiology group at the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France. He completed his training in epidemiology at the University of Toronto (Dalla Lana School of Public Health and the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital). Here, his research focused on the genetic and molecular epidemiology of lung cancer. He was the recipient of a Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Doctoral Graduate Scholarship in order to conduct research into the inflammatory origins of lung cancer.

Emerging evidence is showing that inflammation from various sources is related to lung cancer risk. Associations have been observed between several inflammatory stimuli and altered lung cancer risk including: persistent lung infection, chronic pulmonary diseases, autoimmune diseases, lung trauma, as well as lifestyle factors including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use, alcohol and tobacco consumption.

These exposures, in combination with germ-line genetic constitution, alter lung cancer risk through several etiologic pathways including but not limited to: increased levels of DNA adduct formation, increased angiogenesis and altered anti-apoptotic signaling.

Dr. Brenner will provide an overview of previous and current international collaborative research efforts examining the role of inflammation in the development of lung cancer. Research targeting modifiable lifestyle risk factors, molecular studies and large-scale genomic initiatives, as well as future avenues for additional research and collaboration will be discussed.

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