Statistics plays a Critical Role in the fight against cancer
Estimation of cancer rates, trends, and projected cancer rates and cancer deaths (Part I)
- Clinical trials for treatment comparisons
- Research study designs, methods to analyse collected data
- Inherited types of cancer studies
- Genetic and molecular studies (Part II)
Part I: Cancer Surveillance: 2010 Report on Cancer Statistics in Alberta reports
Nearly 1 in 2 Albertans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime
- 1 in 4 will die from cancer
Part II: Personalized Medicine will require
global perscective of health and disease
- treatment based on multiple types of biological information
- scientific teams including statisticians to realize the goals of personalized mendicine.
Statistics plays an important role in the fight against cancer in many areas, including survelilance (population level) and personalized medicine (individual)
- Research has and will continue to significantly improve our understanding, treatment and prevention of cancer.
Date: Wednesday, April 2
Time: 10:00 – 11:00
Location: Solarium
Broadcast: TBCC cc121