Nishtohtamihk li kaansyr (Understanding Cancer): Cancer Screening, Outcomes and Experiences among Métis People in Alberta

Dr. Kopciuk

This co-designed study between the Métis Nation of Alberta (AB) and AHS Screening Programs will evaluate cancer screening outcomes and experiences of Métis Albertans…

Assessing cancer screening participation and uptake among First Nations people of Alberta

Dr. Kopciuk

Cancer rates in First Nations (FN) people are higher than the general Canadian population for many kinds of cancer, including those that could be prevented or caught early through cancer screening programs. When cancer is detected in FN people, it is often more advanced as well making it more difficult to treat..…

Determinants of cancer stage at diagnosis

Dr. Kopciuk

This project will explore factors associated with early stage of cancer at diagnosis, using data from Alberta’s Tomorrow Project The specific aims are to: (1) develop multivariable regression models using ordinal logistic regression to identify independent and synergistic factors (clinical, lifestyle, screening, etc.) associated with cancer stage at diagnosis; (2) develop spatial regression models to account for geographic and other factors …

Breast Cancer to Bone (B2B) Metastases Research Program

Dr. Kopciuk

The B2B research program established a cohort newly diagnosed breast cancer cases with the objective of studying how breast cancer metastasizes to the bone. This cohort study has involved several sub-projects including one currently led by Dr. Kopciuk to investigate the impact of vitamin D and markers of inflammation in breast cancer metastases. Other projects…