Dr. Kopciuk
This project will explore factors associated with early stage of cancer at diagnosis, using data from Alberta’s Tomorrow Project The specific aims are to: (1) develop multivariable regression models using ordinal logistic regression to identify independent and synergistic factors (clinical, lifestyle, screening, etc.) associated with cancer stage at diagnosis; (2) develop spatial regression models to account for geographic and other factors to evaluate access to health care resources; and (3) validate the models using data from the BC Generations Project. More than 2500 ATP participants have been diagnosed with cancer (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer) since joining ATP. Linkage of ATP data with administrative databases will provide screening information at multiple time points, as well as diagnostic information.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Karen Kopciuk
Co-Principal Investigators: Dr. Paula Robson, Dr. Lorraine Shack
Co-Investigators: Dr. John Spinelli
Funder: Canadian Institutes of Health Research