Cancer Early Detection (app on tablet)

Dr. Kopciuk

This project will explore factors associated with early stage of cancer at diagnosis, using data from Alberta’s Tomorrow Project The specific aims are to: (1) develop multivariable regression models using ordinal logistic regression to identify independent and synergistic factors (clinical, lifestyle, screening, etc.) associated with cancer stage at diagnosis; (2) develop spatial regression models to account for geographic and other factors to evaluate access to health care resources; and (3) validate the models using data from the BC Generations Project. More than 2500 ATP participants have been diagnosed with cancer (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer) since joining ATP. Linkage of ATP data with administrative databases will provide screening information at multiple time points, as well as diagnostic information.

Principal Investigator: Dr. Karen Kopciuk

Co-Principal Investigators: Dr. Paula Robson, Dr. Lorraine Shack

Co-Investigators: Dr. John Spinelli

Funder: Canadian Institutes of Health Research