Canada - color map by provinces

The ComPARe Project

Dr. Brenner and Dr. Friedenreich

This project quantified the number and proportion of incident cancer cases in Canada, now and to 2042, that could be prevented through changes in modifiable lifestyle and environmental exposures associated with cancer. The broad risk factor categories of interest were: tobacco exposure, dietary factors, physical inactivity, sedentary behavior, obesity, environmental factors, infectious agents….

Seniors walking


Dr. Friedenreich

The Colon Health and Life Long Exercise Trial (CHALLENGE Trial) is a multi-centre randomized controlled exercise intervention trial that is funded and coordinated by the Cancer Clinical Trials Group at Queen’s University, Kingston. Dr. Friedenreich is a co-investigator on this first ever trial that is enrolling and randomizing 962 Stage II and III colon cancer…

3 generation family

The Endometrial Cancer Cohort Study

Dr. Friedenreich

The Endometrial Cancer Cohort study includes 540 incident cases of endometrial cancer that were diagnosed in Alberta between 2001-2006 who were initially part of a population-based case-control study of lifetime physical activity and endometrial cancer risk that we conducted that also included about 1000 controls. The cases were interviewed after…

Seniors excercising

The Prostate Cohort Study

Dr. Friedenreich

The Prostate Cancer Cohort Study includes nearly 1000 incident cases of prostate cancer who were diagnosed between 1997-2000 in Alberta and were part of a population-based case-control study that we conducted here. The cases were initially interviewed at the time of their diagnosis and then re-interviewed approximately two years after diagnosis.…